Sunday, 24 May 2009

Charlie and the Case of the Curious Cows

Took my intrepid Westie on another walk around a spot of local countryside...

We set out from The Ship Inn at Ashford Hill - a lovely country pub, great food, welcoming atmosphere and a somewhat dilapidated red telephone box in the car park. The pub is said to be haunted but on my visits I've not seen a ghost...

Always good to know where you are, and of course you can guarantee we got lost!!

As my daughter would say "I like buttercups!"

I'm not sure she means Buttercup the cow, but they seemed friendly enough...

Maybe a little too friendly?

In the cow pasture (which is the nature reserve) I spotted this little beauty (pun intended) - a spotted heath orchid...

This is what it looks like when the photographer isn't me and isn't using a mobile phone to take pictures...

Now what you may not be able to see in this picture, but I swear it is there... is a deer. Draw a line up from the tip of Charlie's tail to just beyond the horizontal pile of logs and if you look closely you may just be able to make out the head of a deer. If you can't.. scroll down and I'll show you what you should have been looking for!!

We stopped for a picnic in a hay meadow... admired some inchworms, one of which crawled enthusiastically up my jeans until I found him a more suitable location...

and lay back for a chapter of Pride And Prejudice and admired the clouds, altocumulus with a mackerel pattern of stripes - it was as you can see a glorious late spring day.

Wandered around some more woodland and saw some yellow flowers which I identified as Yellow Archangel when I got home (again not my pic, far too well focussed)

We also saw some foxgloves about to flower (this picture taken by someone else, somewhere else and a little later in the year probably)

And as we had gotten lost (again) we doubled back and came upon the curious cows again, this one wanted to be a film star

There was almost a cow stampede to get your picture taken! And to check out Charlie who is just at my feet the other side of a gate...

And walking back to the car there was some red campion (again not my picture, one day I will get a decent camera)

And in the pub car park, some lily beetles being naughty!

Here's a clearer picture of a lily beetle, theyreally were quite striking

And here's the route we took, just over four miles of walking

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