Thursday, 26 March 2009

Update on Catherine :)

After doing an interview at the police video suite in the local hospital so she wouldn't have to appear in court regarding the assault on her by the older girl.. I received an update this morning.

The girl has been arrested, charged and bailed to appear in court in one month's time. She admitted the assault so hopefully the whole thing shouldn't be too traumatic for Catherine. Conditions of bail mean she cannot contact Catherine or attend the school except for her exams.


Velda said...

I don't know what gets into some of these kids. I'm glad things were taken care of. Give that beauty a hug from me to her will you (and one for yourself too, I miss you)

Kristin said...

Woohooo...I am so glad it is working out this way.

Margaret said...

I'm glad it's working out RIGHT. I mean if the world were truly "right," she wouldn't have been assaulted in the first place. But I'm glad the wheels of justice are turning.

HUGS to your beautiful girl and to her mom....

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